Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 1 of Having 5 Kids:

Wow…so far it’s easier than I thought it would be :) Our sitter dropped them off around 6:45 and by the time she left and came back to get a back she had forgotten, she didn’t leave until 10:00. The kids seemed to feel right at home instantly. Bed time was difficult because of my kids (go figure!). My son is sleeping on a mattress on the floor since the younger one has his crib. You would have thought he would love that, but he cried for a long time last night. Then my daughter decided she didn’t want to sleep with anyone so she went into the guest room by herself. But all in all they were all asleep before my kids would have normally been asleep on a Sunday night!

Here are some of the things that I have learned while having the kids so far:

-Filling 4 sippy cups with different drinks in each cup takes a while! So when you think you’re going to quickly get them a drink, you’re not going to be quick!

-It’s really hard to cook dinner with a 16 month-old walking around because you have to keep an eye on him and on dinner so it doesn’t burn. Needless to say we had some burnt grilled cheese last night!

-My views on breastfeeding have been reconfirmed! For totally selfish reasons, I will nurse any future babies I may have as I found out through experience last night the getting up and making a bottle and feeding it to him in the middle of the night sucks! I understand people come up with systems and hubbies help out, but as I was reminded last night…my hubby doesn’t hear a single sound that baby makes! For me, it was a lot easier to bring the baby over and feed it and kind of fall back to sleep and then put baby back to sleep than it was to make the bottle and feed him. But of course, that’s just my personal opinions.

-I don’t mean to offend anyone out there, but I’m shocked that there are actually people out there that still put their infants to sleep on their stomachs and with loose blankets on them. I’m super-duper obsessed and worried about SIDS. I was so worried with my kids and am again worried with this baby as I have him during the peak time SIDS occurs. His mom went up last night to put him to bed before she left and laid him on his stomach and put a blanket over him and casually said he hates sleeping on his back. Then she let him cry for ½ hour until he went to sleep. Now, I know my son was a pistol, and there were times that for naps I would lay him on his stomach on the couch by me, but I sat there and continuously watched him. I have no idea what I would do if I lost a child to SIDS, let alone if I had to call a mom in California to tell her that her child had died. So, I decided that I would sacrifice my sleep to make sure he’s on his back! Luckily, after his 1:45 AM feeding I laid him on his back and he went right to sleep! I hope the rest of this week goes that well!

-We set up “nanny cams” at the house and right now I’m so spoiled because I’m watching my kids play! Seriously, I need to get back to work but I’m so addicted!

I think that’s it for now…I will continue to update you as the week goes on! Here’s a picture I took last night of the “band” my daughter organized. They all had to have guitars and they all had to have sunglasses!


Anonymous said...

Glad it's going well. I was a FREAK about SIDS when Morgan was little. Now? I couldn't keep her on her back if I had to. She flops around so much!!

Cute picture--they look like they're having fun!!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Really glad to hear that it's going good!

Alyssa started sleeping on her tummy around 2 and 1/2 months. She could rollover by then, of course. She just wouldn't sleep for more than 2 hours or so, even swaddled and everything. Once she started sleeping on her tummy, it wasn't long before she slept through the night. Of course, the firs time she slept that way was at nap time and I was checking on her every 5 minutes!! She still sleeps on her tummy, lol, with her butt in the air!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Also, I should say, I did talk to her pediatrician about it before we let her sleep on her tummy.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

By the end of this week, you'll either want another baby soon or you'll decide two kids is just enough. :-)

Sherry said...

Love the band, adorable.
You are one brave woman to take on all the kids, I do admire you.
SIDS is scary I so remember watching my kids and petrified of SIDS as I lost a nephew to it Sad sad thing to lose a young child. I agree with you put them on their back.
All will be perfect and I agree with Jennifer, you will be wanting another baby soon hahahhaa.

Amy W said...

So you can watch them on the internet?

I did not breastfeed, and we would always have a bottle ready on our nightstand in a cooler pack ready to go. Lucky for us too, our kids took cold bottles with no problem.

Glad to hear it's going well! I would be nervous about the sleeping thing as well.

Edie said...

If I had a nanny cam, I would never get any work done!! So cool!!

Glad things are going well!!