Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy Double-Digits!!

Dear Ky-bear,

Wow, a decade old today.  Where have the past 10 years gone?  When I think about how long 10 years is, and yet how fast it has flown by…it just doesn’t work.  Regardless, I couldn’t be more proud of what you have become over the last 10 years…

You are finishing up the fourth grade.  I got a call the other day from the gifted teacher that you will definitely be in SOAR next year for reading and math.  Thank goodness!  We can go back to hours and hours of tears each night over math homework.  To any normal person that would sound horrible, but we all know that’s what you need (and want).  I won’t hear “I’m so bored in math…I already know how to do all this stuff” again!  You are getting ready to head into the fifth grade, which means you will rule the school!  I swear you just started Kindergarten!  And next year you will have two brothers in school with you because Ryan will be starting Kindergarten.  You had a pretty big project due a few weeks ago, and because of how responsible and self-disciplined you are, I had no idea where it stood or really how important it was until I went to the Investigation Fair.  And of course, your report and display were amazing!  You wanted your teacher and class to call you “Kylene” this year, and it really threw me!  Every time your teacher would say “Kylene,” it sounded so weird!  I think you’re going back to “Kylie” next year :)

You finished up level 5 in gymnastics this year.  You’ve been at Gym X-treme almost one full year now and I can’t believe how much you have improved!  You have gone to practice for 12 hours each week all school year, and you’ll go for 18 hours per week in the summer.  You got better at each meet and ended the season scoring your highest all-around at State’s.  Next year you will be level 5, which is like the old level 6, but they are changing the system so your actual level will stay the same, but the skills will be harder.  You have been working your new skills and have perfected your back walkover on the high beam and have been working your back handspring on the high beam!!  You also have your back handspring back tuck.

You have been a really good big sister to your brothers.  You and Josh get along really well and are into as much of the same things as I could expect from a boy and a girl.  And you help me out so much with Ryan and Colton!  In the mornings, you will get Colton out of his crib and turn the television on for him.  You are such a sweet girl!

You are such a wonderful daughter.  You really mean the world to me and I can’t imagine what my life would be like if you were not my daughter.  Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face each and every day!

I love you princess!!
