Thursday, July 12, 2007

A "Member Of Our Family" Will Soon Be Gone

It’s sad when someone that you have loved and trusted turns into someone that you can’t get away from fast enough. Unfortunately, I’m talking about our baby-sitter.

Hubby had told the sitter that the kids would be with her through the end of July, which was hard because the new sitter wanted them to start right away. This makes me think back to when we started with our sitter…my daughter was 7 months old and we were sick of daycare. When we met her she fell in love with my daughter instantly. We had to give our daycare two weeks notice and they had a ½ pay policy where that if you weren’t there you still had to pay ½ your normal fees. So we told the new sitter that my daughter would start in two weeks. The next night we get a call from the new sitter who told us that she really wanted my daughter to start right away, and that she would only charge ½ so that we would end up paying the same amount as if she were in the daycare. I was excited by how much this lady wanted my daughter.

Over the years I watched my daughter grow and be loved, which was so important to me. The sitter would tell me how smart my daughter was and how well she was talking. But this past year has just been a battle, and I have no idea why. Maybe she has too many kids for her personal limit; maybe we did something to tick her off and she never told us; maybe she decided she really doesn’t like my kids…I don’t know what it is, but something has really changed. I’m not good at digging into people to find out if something’s wrong…I’m much better at listening when they open up to me. So while I tried to ask if everything was OK once in a while, it just wasn’t something I was good at.

Last night we were cleaning my son up from dinner and he showed hubby his boo-boo, which was a cut on his hand that was not bleeding, but that warranted finding out where it came from. He told us “ooey bite me.” “ooey” equals “Louey” their new dog. Of course we were livid because the sitter didn’t say anything to me when I picked them up.

So this morning hubby asked her about it, and she told him it was from scratch, not a bite (ummmm…still not seeing a big difference here), and that she didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Remember, it was a fairly deep cut and I had to put ointment and a band-aid on it last night, and my son screamed in the bathtub because the soap and water hurt it. Then, for some reason, she goes into a speech about why my daughter should go to preschool next year. Now I have nothing against preschool, lots of kids go, no big deal. But our sitter knows that we have decided that it’s not for our family. I am comfortable with my daughter starting in Kindergarten in 2008. She’s sat and told me multiple times that my daughter does not need to go to preschool at all and it would be silly for us to spend money on that on top of paying her. So I kind of feel like she was trying to start some type of argument or something. Hubby informed her that we had found somebody and that next week was the kids’ last week with her.

I’m just really, really sad that it came to this. I look at our childcare provider as a member of our family, and I feel like that just went away on her part. And like I said, maybe we did something, I have no idea…but I wish she was open enough to talk to us about it, but unfortunately it has come down to her not caring my son has a bad mark from her dog and making snide comments about my daughter and me praying that she’s not taking any of this out on my kids during the day.


Anonymous said...

I doubt you did anything to make her mad. Sounds like she's got too many children and, as you've said before, she seems to like babies better.

As for the dog bite/scratch--NOT acceptable. Yes, it happens. However, she should have told you or your husband at pick-up what happened and she should've cleaned it and covered it.

Anyway either of you can take next week off and get the kids out of there now? I'd be worried that she's taking it out on your kids, too, but I doubt she is.

I know this is hard for you guys and I'm sorry :( Want me to come to Ohio with Morgan for a week?

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

No matter what, the scratch from the dog SHOULD have been mentioned, big deal or not! I hope your new sitter works out really well for you guys!! Sorry the current one has started acting so differently.

Amy W said...

So weird how people change! Sounds like the new sitter will be amazing and just what you guys are looking for.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Whoa! The dog made a mark on your child and she didn't clean it or tell you about it? Frankly, I'd report her to the local licensing agency.

Is there any possible way you guys can have the children with someone else for the next week?

Unknown said...

It's crazy how people change, without explanation or for any obvious reason.
It seems she lost sight of what she is there for. She definitely should have told you about the bite/scratch. When someone gets defensive and tries to start an argument, it's usually a sign that they know they've done something wrong. Just glad you found someone else. Good luck with it all!

Rach said...

Hi, I have a 10-yr-old daughter, and have noticed that every sitter has a 2-3 year span max, and they all start out like caring members of the family, and then just start getting used to your kids, so take them for granted. It's human nature, because these kids arent theirs, but ours, so as parents we are naturally more concerned than anyone else would, unless if we leave our kids with our parents, which is unfair.

I can understand the trauma you've been through, I've been through it thrice, but remember that kids adapt and get excited about new people as well. The only truth in bringing up our kids and having a fulfilling career is that we have to ensure they're well looked after. So dont worry too much about it, even though that's easier said than done. I'm still wistful about my daughter's first babysitter who lasted almost 4 yrs, though my daughter's moved on and been equally fond of the other two, who lasted 3 yrs and the current one's still around...

See? Our kids are tougher than us! So just chill!

Sherry said...

I did post a comment on here but where did it go???
Anyway what I said was your are a fantastic mom, you spend quality time with your children and trust me if they are tired, they will sleep. When they do sleep no doubt it is very peaceful and content seeing how you are so wonderful with them.