Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Confessions of a Working Mom

OK, I’m totally stealing this from Amy W. (I asked her if I could…I just didn’t wait for a response :) )

1.) Sometimes (OK, a lot of times) I’m so tired of fighting with my kids that I get lazy and don’t stand my ground. Like if my 3 year-old asks me to have something, and I say “no”, and she keeps asking, only in different ways and tries to trick me, there are a lot of times I give in and say “fine”

2.) My son has been in our bed for the last 3 nights.

3.) My daughter has stayed up with me until 10:30 each night that hubby has not been there because I want a friend to hang out with :)

4.) My kids drink juice. Granted, it’s watered down, even for my daughter, but I know everyone says juice is such a “no-no”

5.) Oh yeah, they drink chocolate milk too.

6.) They get a lot of treats

7.) BUT…they don’t get a treat until they eat apples, or bananas, or carrots or blueberries :)

8.) My son had whole milk starting when he was 10 months old because I was so tired of breastfeeding all.of.the.stinking.time.

9.) I buy my kids a lot of stuff. So much that my daughter will tell me I “can just by it the next time I’m at the store.” The $1 section at Target is dangerous.

10.)My kids watch a lot of TV. Mostly it happens at the sitter’s. But occasionally, when I don’t feel like playing house, again, I ask if they want to watch a movie or show and they scream “yes” and run for the TV.

11.)My daughter is obsessed with boobs. She has asked my about mine quite a number of times, and last night she informed me that she has been “educating” the 2 year-old that’s at the sitter’s with her about them. One boob has milk in it, the other one has juice in it (refer to number 4 above).

12.)When my sitter complains about something my kids have done, unless I feel it’s really bad, I usually ignore it right there in front of her and just give the kids lots of hugs and kisses. I learned this from hubby…I used to be all concerned with everything, but then he told me that he blows it off, so now I do it too.

13.)After hubby, I love my “two wonderful kids” (a) more than anything in this world!

(a) – this is what I call them. If they want me to pick them both up at the same time they’ll tell me (even my son) “do two wonderful kids!”


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what I told Amy: You gave your son WHOLE milk BEFORE he was ONE!! Oh. My. God!! I put Morgan in front of the Little Einsteins during lunch today so I could sit in the laundry room and cry. We should totally go out for a drink and then go Target-ing. That's what awesome Moms do, right?

I am laughing at blowing the sitter off....it's kinda funny and something I would SO do!!

Amy W said...

You can steal stuff from me anytime!

Ashley was in our bed last night.

Ashley pretty much will only drink milk if it's chocolate.

My house is a toy store. Seriously. Target is VERY dangerous.