Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm going to kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember this girl? Well she decided to make tuna for lunch today. Now I kind of like tuna, certain ways, but an office environment is no place to make tuna for lunch. It smelled so badly in here.

Now she has popcorn, which she burnt, so it smells bad. And she eats it just as loudly as she does her chips. I hate my job right now, I just want to go and tell her to get some manners.



Amy W said...

Ha! Don't you love the burnt popcorn office smell? Of course yours has a little tuna mixed in...

Anonymous said...

Nothing more obnoxious than the smell of burnt popcorn AND tuna!! Blech....

Kelly said...

Oh god...what a combination of smells..and to top it off..the loud obnoxious chewing...good do you not say anything??