Monday, June 30, 2008

Town Festival

This past weekend was our town’s local festival. We always look forward to this because it’s such a great time to ride rides, see local entertainment, eat fair food, and catch up with people. Hubby’s business always has a booth so he and his guys were taking “mug shots” of all the kids that came by…it was so cute!

The only problem this year was that we are having a record month of rain, and this weekend was no exception. Friday we were able to hang out for a while and ride some rides after the rain came through, but it was really muddy.

Saturday my daughter had a t-ball game and then hubby ran off to the festival. We ended up heading over right when it started for the day and were able to ride a bunch of rides and eat some great food before the crowds came in. There was a huge storm coming in around 3:30, so the kids and I booked it out of there and headed home for some naps.

The festival always ends with fireworks, which, luckily we can see from our house. So the kids and I headed over to the neighbors and watched the very long fireworks show (seriously, it was about ½ hour long!).

Sunday we had a very relaxing day of playing outside and watching TV and playing inside. It kept raining off and on, so when it wasn’t raining we’d head outside for a little bit until the next set came through.

Here's a video of the kids in one of those jumping things. Their description of where they're at is very typical of most of our conversations at home these days :).

Powell Fest from Debbie on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Too bad about the rain but at least you were able to spend the morning having fun at the festival. They are so much fun to take the kids to. We're looking forward to our fireman's carnival coming up next month as well.
I love the kids in the bouncy thing! They look like they're having such a great time! I can't wait until Jeffrey gets over his terror of all things bouncy and sees how much fun they can be.

Anonymous said...

How fun!! Several surrounding towns have festivals like this and I can't wait to take Morgan this year!!

Sherry said...

"In the spiders belly" so cute, but I liked "two pumpkins in the spiders belly" the best, that is adorable and they were having fun.
Glad you could enjoy the fesitval between the raindrops!!!!!

Julie said...

sounds like a nice weekend - aside from the rain.

Amy W said...

Looks like they had fun!