Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Christmas Craziness Already!!!

It appears that the Christmas craziness has started at our house. I checked the mailbox last night and found a catalog for My Twinn Dolls. These are dolls that you get to look just like you and then you can buy outfits for your daughter and her “twin” to match. And they are really cute and have really cute accessories. I knew the second my daughter saw these she would go nuts. The problem is that they are $130. For a doll!!!! The other problem is that they are huge, and will probably come up to my daughter’s chest!

I was right about her going crazy….she kept squealing and saying “mom, can I have this???” I told her that the doll was too big and maybe when she was bigger. That didn’t stop her from flipping through the whole magazine “oooing” and “awwwing” through each page. She then got to the back where she saw the
My Twinn Babies and informed me that those were not too big. I agreed with her (only because they are only $29) and told her that she could ask Santa for one. She was so excited. She then went through and made a list of all the baby stuff she was going to ask Santa for.

Hubby isn’t worried…he thinks she’ll forget about this in a couple days. I had to remind him that this was about the time last year that my daughter had seen the Baby Alive doll in a catalog and said she wanted it. I ignored it, and then in December she reminded me that she really wanted the “doll that pooped.” The problem? It had become one of the “hot toys” and I had to become an angry mom in order to get one without paying more than the MSRP for it. I’m glad I did though, because she still loves that doll more than any of her other dollies.

So I guess I should keep my eyes out to watch for signs for this doll becoming so popular I can’t find it. And I’ll cross my fingers that she’ll forget, because really, she does not need any more dolls!


Amy W said...

Ashley has requested a computer for Christmas....seriously.

Edie said...

I wouldn't count on her forgetting. If she's anything like Hayden, she NEVER forgets. Just when you think she's forgotten about something, it will pop back out of her mouth again!

At least the $29 baby is much more reasonably priced!

Anonymous said...

$130 for a doll?! For the love of shoes, that's insane!!

I rather like that Morgan is a bit more into the boxes her toys come in rather than what's IN the boxes. For now :)

Julie said...

Or you can just order the baby now and then keep reminding her about it - so she won't forget it on her list to Santa! : )

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

And just think, American Girl dolls are next in her doll development. :-)

Sherry said...

My daughter got her little girl a My Twin doll and Mikayla loved it. I don't think she paid $130 for it a few years ago, but if she did she's crazier that I had her pegged, haha.
It's hard when there is one item that every child in the world wants so when you see that certain hot toy, BUY it now!!!
I have a good start on my Christmas shopping and thank goodness it's teens that I shop for At least they understand if we can't get he hottest item, games etc. Besides they can buy their own if they want it that bad, they make their own money hahaha!!!
Good luck with the baby doll!!!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Christmas shopping! Oh how I dislike thee.

Radioactive Tori said...

My first daughter had a my twinn doll. She never ever played with it because it was just too big to play with. We also had some of the my twin babies (one for each daughter). Those did get played with A LOT. They looked exactly like each of my daughters. My 7 year old just recently puled hers out again and reminded me of when her first baby had to go to the doll hospital because her arm fell off.

We had the same problem with the Baby Alive doll last year! Now my kids are a little older and are asking for U.B. Funkeys. I am not sure what they are, but I know they are expensive!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. My 3 year old has a mind like a steel trap. Never forgets. In fact, maybe you should order it now. And when did dolls start costing $130?

Christy said...

I love Christmas! I already started my shopping for Lilly, but there is no way I will ever be considering a doll at that price!

Becca said...

Good luck changing her mind - but i'd start saving for that doll in the meantime!

Thanks for checking in on me - computer troubles with stupid vista kept me away for a bit!

Anonymous said...

I am soo glad my daughter is not in that stage yet....but I know it's coming.

Jill said...

overdoing it for christmas is something i see most of the parents around me doing. my brothers, for instance, even though we were all raised in the same family. we had about a $20-25 toy apiece and a few small things and that was it! and we were IN HEAVEN! I was smart enough to know money was tight, even if they weren't. I guess they felt deprived, cause they tend to overbuy for theirs.

Jill said...

not that i think you overdo.. just a social comment, i guess.