Thursday, October 04, 2012

Apple Picking and Football!

What a weekend!
It started with us actually not crashing Friday night, which is unusual for us :)  John needed to go for a run (have I mentioned that he’s training for the Columbus ½ marathon?), so he got ready to run, and I got the bike ready to pull Colton and Ryan behind me.  Josh ended up wanting to go too, so while John ran, Josh and I followed behind him on our bikes.  We went about 6 miles, which was perfect!  And we got to see two trains while we were out (the bike path runs parallel to the train tracks and is literally feet away), which made the two little boys super happy!  After we got home we had homemade pizzas for dinner (made by Josh and Ryan and me :) ).
Saturday morning we got up and went apple picking!  It was a gorgeous, sunny day and absolutely perfect for it!  For the past couple years, everyone always worn Buckeye shirts and the pictures have been so neat with the bright red against the green of the trees and grass.  So this year I made sure that Kylie had a new Buckeye shirt (she didn’t have one that fit her) and I even got myself a new shirt.  But apparently Joshua is anti-Buckeyes!  You know why?  Because one of his friends hates the Bobcats and likes the Buckeyes, so he decided that because of that, he’s going to hate the Buckeyes and obviously loves the Bobcats.  And even though I LOVE my apple-picking pictures and I would love for them to be “perfect,” I didn’t want to fight him when he was set on wearing Bobcat gear.  So you know what happened?  Kylie decided she wanted to wear her Bobcat shirt, and John wanted to wear his Bobcat shirt.  So we were a family divided?  Which of course was perfectly fine :)
We ended up picking 40 lbs. of apples and having a blast!  Then it was a rush to get back home where Kylie made it to the last half of her gymnastics practice.  After that Rachel came over and the girls played and the rest of us played outside.  We played with the new tennis net that my dad got Ryan for his birthday and had a lot of fun!  Then it was a quick trip to Wal-Mart for football snacks and Chick-fil-A for dinner.
Sunday was church and then Ryan’s first football game!!!  I just can’t believe how fast the time has gone…I can’t believe that this is how we started with Josh and Ryan was only 1!  And now he’s 4 and playing in his own game!
We had quite an audience…my parents, Aunt Suzie, Aunt Cindy, Uncle Josh and Miss G and Kasey.  We all thought it was so funny how serious Ryan was!  He was a hoot to watch and he had a blast out there (but unfortunately didn’t win :(  ).  Then Josh played his game and I have to admit, the overall game was so much more fun to watch!  These kids know what they’re doing!  Josh pulled a bunch of flags and scored at least one touchdown…I can’t remember if it was more than that.  I was just grateful to my sister and Miss G who really helped out with Colton.  Suzie would walk him around and took him with her to get a drink and it gave me time to really get to watch the boys play.  Josh’s team did end up winning!
After the game we headed home.  The two little boys were out like a light in the car, but unfortunately, they didn’t stay sleeping when we took them in to their beds :(.  It actually ended up working out though because our neighbors asked us to go to dinner with them and we ended up having a wonderful dinner out and got to catch up with friends we haven’t been able to see in so long!  The kids were all so well-behaved and it was just a very nice dinner.
At home it was getting ready for bed and then playing a little before bed.  An overall fabulous weekend!


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