Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Recap

Wow, what a fantastically long holiday break! It was so much fun and of course it went by way too quickly!

Wednesday was shopping day for my mom and the kids and I. We started out at Hobby Lobby which was a mistake, because we were in there for about 2 hours! I got some neat Christmas decorations and some wrapping paper and things like that. Then we went to lunch and to one of the grocery stores. The kids loved this place because it had little shopping carts that they could push around! Then we went home and the kids went down for a nap and when they got up, we went to the other grocery store. This one was also good because they have the carts that have TVs in them…my daughter watched Bob the Builder the whole time and never said a word! The other nice thing about this day was how warm it was…we wore short-sleeves the whole day! This is in contrast to the fact that it was about 35 degrees the next day!

Wednesday night we took my daughter to see Enchanted. It was such a dumb movie, but she seemed to like it (except it was kind of scary in parts) and they did a fairly decent job of trying to entertain the adults. There were actually quite a few couples in the theater which surprised me.

On Thanksgiving we got up and put the parade on and started cooking! I didn’t sit down until around 4:00 when we ate! But I had so much fun! My sisters and mom and I were there in the kitchen the whole day working and talking…it’s been a long time since we’ve had that much fun together. After dinner we just laid around. We checked out the ads to see what stores we wanted to hit the next day and then went to bed.

Friday my sisters and I headed out around 8:30 and went to a couple places. I didn’t buy a single gift…but I did buy myself stuff :) It was a very nice girl day (we had my daughter with us). We actually ended at Hobby Lobby again and my daughter fell asleep in the cart. The day ended with dancing at home, pizza and a cheesy Hallmark movie.

Saturday my sister had to head back to Michigan, which sucked, but at least she’ll be back at Christmas!! We headed down to hubby’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving with them. There was a home football game and we went to the second half. This proves how much I love hubby because it was freaking cold and I hate football and cold weather! After the game we all went to dinner and had a nice time.

Yesterday we just laid around all day. Hubby and I cleaned out some closets in preparation for bringing out the Christmas stuff. It was really nice and it was a great end to a fantastic weekend! It was super hard getting up to come in to work today!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:
My sister and my daughter making the famous Thanksgiving noodles

My daughter and hubby putting together the gingerbread house
My son and daughter hugging at the end of one of their dances

And you know what I’m thinking about now??? Only 5 more days until we leave for Disney!!!!


Edie said...

Ok, first of all, where do you go that has tvs in the carts?!? Holy Cow!! Shopping would be a breeze if I could find that!!! :)

Sounds like you had a great holiday. Hayden put together a gingerbread house this weekend too... there will be a post about it this week sometime. :)

Disney... here you come!! :)

Sherry said...

Wow you had to have had the best time of your life over the long weekend. Hobby Lobby, yeah I absolutely love that store but sad to say waaaaaaaay out here in WA we don't have any. I used to shop there when we were in Texas.
All day in the kitchen with your mom and sister; now that had to be the best of all. Like old times right? Holidays bring people together and make us realize just how special family is huh?
Shopping carts with tv's in them, what genius thought of that? A fantastic idea for sure!!!
Dancing at home- perfect - and the pictures wow I love them all but your children hugging is so adorable!!!
Haha I am with you football, any sport not for me, but yep you are a wonderful wife to freeze and be with your hubby at the game!!!! I say give all those guys their own football and they wouldn't have to chase each other for that one!!!! :)
Great blog, started my day with a smile just knowing the quality time you all had!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic Holiday!! Getting back into the normal routine is always crappy.

5 days, huh? Lucky, lucky girl :)

Anonymous said...

Carts with TV's?!? That is awesome!
Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend! And getting ready for Disney Land? Lucky girl!

Amy W said...

Take me with you to Disney please!!

Julie said...

I have never heard of Hobby Lobby or of a grocery store with tvs in the carts - neither store is around here unfortunately.

I also took Abby to see Enchanted on Wednesday night. I was surprised at how many kidless groups were there watching it - the theater was packed.

Mrs. Booms said...

Such cutie pie pictures!!!

Kelly said...

Great pictures!! So the TV in the carts deal? OMG that is such a neat idea?? Did you take a picture of that?? I have never seen let alone hear of such a thing!! I'm so jealous your off to disney :( can I go with you?? Hope you have TONS of fun! Dur I know you will! :)

Christy said...

Glad to hear you had such a great Thanksgiving!

Oh, and really, really unfair about the TV in the carts! I would kill for that.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

You and your sister look sooo much alike!!! I love the look of concentration on your husband's face, lol.