Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's Almost Here!!!

I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already. It’s my last day of work for the week, and I will be going non-stop until I crash into bed tonight.

My sister’s wedding is just 3 days away! I’m still working on some last minute things, but for the most part, we’re ready. I have my hair appointment after work today, and then I have a lady coming to spray tan me so that hopefully my tan lines will be gone! I picked my dress up yesterday and I can barely zip it up…Saturday will be interesting to say the least!

While I’m super excited about the wedding, I honestly can’t wait until all of this craziness is over! I feel like I constantly have something on my mind about this wedding…constantly worrying about something that needs done.

I have thankfully hired a baby-sitter for the day, so at least that stress is off of me! This girl sounds really good and I’m hoping that I can just enjoy the day with my kids without actually having to do any of the work that goes along with my kids.

The neat thing is that after this is all over, first thing on Monday morning we have my big ultrasound. We’re not finding out what we’re having again, but it’s still so fun to see the baby and see that everything is OK! This time my sister will be going with us and possibly my mom, and also Kylie and Josh. This is a new experience for us because we’ve never had anyone in the ultrasound room with us before!

So this is probably my last post until after this wonderful weekend…I will write a big post recapping the whole time and I’m sure will have tons of pictures!


Kim3278 said...

Enjoy! I can't wait to see pics of you and all the kids and of course the wedding. Have fun! Miss you!

Sherry said...

Wow 3 days, doesn't seem possible, but I bet to you it's more like "finally" right?? :)
I know it will be beautiful, you all will look awesome and the kids will have a blast.
Then the ultrasound how exciting to have all with you, that is so neat. Glad you aren't finding out the sex of the baby, surprises are always so nice.
Once all is said and done, do me a favor and take a day or a few hours at least to relax, catch your breath and just pamper yourself, you so need it.
Can't wait for pics and your post on the weekend, enjoy is ths main thing!! Will be thinking of you all and congrats to your sis and new brother in law!!

Kellie said...

Can't wait to see the pictures and read all about it!!