Our break started Wednesday when we packed up the car and left for Michigan. What’s sad is that we actually sent down a suitcase, pack ‘n play and turkey fryer down with my mom the day before, and we were still stuffed to the brim with stuff! The weather was gorgeous and the kids were settled in with a movie. We made a stop at a candy store that we always see and never stop at and got some fudge and popcorn. We made it to my sister’s by about 1:30.
We spent the rest of the day getting the rest of the groceries and waiting for Suzie’s new TV to be delivered. We ordered some dinner from a local place that I love and her TV finally arrived! Around this time my sister Cindy and her husband Josh and my dad got in, so we all caught up and relaxed a bit before everyone headed off to bed. Cindy and Josh were only staying two nights, and the place was a little cramped, so my mom and dad stayed at a local hotel and each night some of the kids went with them. Colton was a pain that night and decided that 3:30 was a good time to get up. Thankfully he was only up an hour, but he still managed to wake everyone else up :(
Thanksgiving morning John and Suzie headed off to run the Turkey Trot while I stayed back and got cinnamon rolls ready and Cindy got the sticky buns ready. John and Suzie were back in no time and we all enjoyed a great breakfast and the Macy’s parade. I also got to do Suzie’s hair which was fun for me :) We spent the rest of the day cooking our fabulous feast. Kylie helped Cindy make the noodles as has been their tradition since Kylie was really little. Around 2:00 all the boys headed down to the garage to get the turkey fried and hang out. Josh and Ryan had fun down there with them. Since Suze lives in a townhome, there isn’t much opportunity for them to go outside and play, so they jumped at the chance to play some football outside with the bigger boys :)
We were ready to eat dinner around 5:30 and it was amazing! The best turkey we’ve fried yet and all of the side dishes were perfect! Colton enjoyed his first Thanksgiving with a full tray of food – turkey, mashed potatoes, etc. I’ve never had a child old enough to eat real food at their first Thanksgiving, so it was neat seeing him chow down and get messy! After dinner we all collapsed in the family room to watch Spy Kids (obviously Kylie and Joshie’s choice :) ).
The next morning we got up and had a great breakfast of pancakes and then Cindy and Josh had to leave because Josh had to work that night. After they left we got ready (again, I did Suzie’s hair and she did my make-up) and all the girls headed out to the outlets. Of course it was crazy busy because it was Black Friday, but on top of that the weather was absolutely gorgeous! Especially for being up in Michigan! But I got an awesome deal on a new coat and a Jacket and a Jacket for Kylie and a coat and snow pants for Joshie. Then we went to the HUGE Christmas store where I was able to get Colton’s first Christmas ornaments. Then we had a great fried chicken dinner in the adorable little German town right there…so fun and yet we were so beat…we just wanted to get home (it was about an hour away from where my sister lives).
Saturday we woke up and had another great breakfast of eggs and sausage. After that we all just played and hung out waiting for the OSU/Michigan game. Since I’m not a huge football fan I started packing us up. After the disappointing game, we really got ourselves packed up and started to load the car. My parents were leaving too, so they were loading up, and found out that the battery had died in their car. While they were jumping it, something weird happened and the doors all locked…with the keys in the car :( So we waited for AAA to come and unlock the car. Honestly though, I’m really glad it happened because the weather was still absolutely gorgeous, so the boys played football out in the front and we just sat on the steps and watched them while we waited. Short sleeves at the end of November in Michigan…who would’ve thought???!!!
After AAA came and fixed the car, we were on our way home. But not before the kids made a discovery as they were in going potty before we left…their elves had returned! This time with another little friend for Ry-Ry! They were all so happy see their little friends and all held them tightly in the car on the way home. The trip was going well until we realized we were really hungry. So we ran through Burger King and John took the boys in to the bathroom. Colton was being a pistol and refusing to eat even though he hadn’t eaten in a while. We loaded back up and headed down the road eating our dinner. Just as our dinner was about gone (with Colton crying the whole way because duh…you’re hungry dude!) Ryan says “Mommy…when we get home, can you take me potty?” Now, this was about 10 miles from the last potty stop, and still 1 ½ hours away from home, so I said “Ryan, do you need to go potty?” and he told me “yes.” So we stopped again! I tried to feed Colton again, without success and we loaded up and hit the road again. Thankfully the rest of the trip was uneventful and we got home around 9:30 Saturday night.
We unloaded the car and I could easily tell that Colton was super excited about being home…he just looked so much more at ease. We put a bunch of stuff away and went to bed! All the big kids showered and went over to sleep with my parents.
Sunday morning we went to church and had a really wonderful Thanksgiving Communion Service. We came home, ate lunch, put the little boys to bed and started getting out the Christmas stuff! We got most of the stuff up before we had to leave to go to John’s sister’s house for another Thanksgiving dinner. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and the adults had fun just relaxing and talking. Dinner was really good too! We left to come home around 8:00, which made for a really long day. We got home and the kids all got ready for bed and went to sleep.
Monday was hard getting back into the work and school routine, but it’s nice knowing that we’ll get some more time off in just a couple of weeks! Now it’s time to buckle down and get this Christmas shopping done!