Saturday started with my sister and a couple of other bridesmaids coming over to put together invitations. She brought some bagels and drinks and we got to work. I had to leave for a hair appointment, and while I was gone my other sister got into town. When I got back, we finished up the invitations and then just hung out the rest of the day. My parents were over off and on, and we played outside and watched some movies.
Kylie and I went out and spent a lot of time on the trampoline together. We had so much fun jumping and laughing together. After that we went over to my dad’s back patio where he was sitting and hung out with him. I really loved the individual time I got to spend with Kylie.
Saturday night we got some Chinese food and at a late dinner. Suzie helped give the kids baths and we got them all into bed. The adults settled on the couch and I filled Easter eggs while we watched TV. Suzie and I love watching Being Erica, which she doesn’t get up in Michigan, so it’s always expected that we’ll watch at least one episode I have taped while she’s here.
Sunday morning we woke up and got everyone ready for church. The sun was shining and it was beautiful out! The kids all looked adorable in their brightly-colored Easter outfits and we were all in good moods (well, except for John who was quickly losing his patience with us because we were running late).
Our church was held at a hotel because where we normally meet was not open on Easter. The hotel was gorgeous, and we quickly went in and set up the kids’ rooms with their toys and snacks and other items. The baby room was the coat closet!
I love the feeling at church on Easter Sunday. Everyone is happy and smiling. And did I mention the gorgeous weather? We don’t have many gorgeous Easters, so it was apparent that everyone was enjoying this day.
After church, we cleaned up all the kids’ rooms and headed home. Ryan fell asleep on the way, so once we got home I took Kylie and Josh outside to get some pictures. Once my family got to the house, we let the kids go look for their Easter baskets.
We had a great lunch of cut-up fruit and crackers and chips and dip. Ryan finally woke up and we all went outside for a family picture. I was afraid I was not going to get one again this year because of his nap, but thankfully, I made it just in time! Last year, by the time Ryan woke up, Josh had chocolate all over his shirt, and John had changed his clothes :)
We sent Kylie and Josh inside so that John and I could go and hide all of the Easter eggs outside. Then they came out and went hunting! This was Ryan’s first year and he did really well :) They were all so cute out there looking for their eggs! It’s funny, my kids just wanted to hunt, they never even opened up the eggs to see what was in them! And as everyone who knows my family jokes, most of the candy will still be around next Easter!
The rest of the day was spent playing outside. John’s parents came over for a visit and we all sat around and talked, jumped on the trampoline swung on the swings (or “weee” as Ryan calls it) and just enjoyed the absolutely gorgeous weather. It was so gorgeous that we decided to have our Easter dinner outside! We had a great dinner of ham, scalloped potatoes, broccoli and bread.
After dinner John’s parents left, and soon after that my dad, Cindy and big Josh left too. Then we played some baseball in the court with our neighbors. After that the kids all went back to the trampoline and we hung out with our neighbors.
Finally it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. It took a while, the house was a mess! But finally we had all kids in bed and most everything cleaned up, and John, Suzie and I sat on the couch to watch some TV. Suzie was leaving for vacation the next day, so it was a nice treat to have her with us on a Sunday afternoon. John opened his birthday presents from her and Cindy, and later on Darrin came in. We informed him that Kylie and Suzie were sleeping in the Buckeye room, and he and Josh were in the princess room…quite backwards!
So that was Easter weekend. Just writing about it brings back the good feelings and overall happiness I felt the whole time!
Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Seriously, I am so coming to spend my weekends at your house :)
Love the family shot--you and John are so young! You look fantastic, my friend :) Your kids are beautiful!
What an awesome post!! I have missed your adventures and fun family time, so along with a great post I get to see your wonderful family pictures and see how great everyone looks. And oh that weather, wow, wish we had just a wee bit of it!!! :)
Those are adorable pictures! You all look so happy and relaxed.
Is Being Erica on again? The last I saw it was still reruns. Has she come back since that last episode where Dr. Tom was gone and she got a new person?
Please see! money as debt
project camelot magnetic motor
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