Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Tradition is Back!

Last night was the start of Monday night football in our house. This weekly tradition started back when my daughter was just one, and has continued on since then. It was especially nice because my daughter’s school was closed due to the massive power outages our city is still experiencing, so she didn’t have to go to bed early.

Hubby gets the kids all ready for bed, and then they go down and pick out their snacks. They picked fruit chews and popcorn (and my son was super excited because he found a Hershey’s kiss too). They watched the popcorn pop in the microwave while hubby poured them some ginger ale (they get real pop!).

After the snacks are all ready we head over to the couch and watch football. Now I really don’t like football. I never have. So this has usually been my time to go off and do something by myself. And last night I had a huge task in front of me: Sorting through all the baby clothes in the basement to look for the coming home outfit and to be ready so that once we know what this baby is, we can wash all the corresponding newborn clothes.

But the kids were so cute as they watched the game, and I was in a lot of pain, so I sat down with them and had a blast! My son didn’t watch as much of the game as he played his own game of football. He was running and throwing so hard that he was sweating! He would play, and then run up and sit on the couch next to me so he could rest. It was so adorable!

So I didn’t get any of the clothes sorted. But I had a great time relaxing with the family and watching the kids have fun. Maybe I’ll get the clothes sorted tonight…:)


Julie said...

Sounds like your body was telling you to rest. Glad you enjoyed some downtime.

Anonymous said...

The clothes will get sorted (it always manages to get done somehow) and it sounds like you had a nice night watching the fam.
Besides, you're having a baby in four days, you need as much feet up time as you can! :)

Sherry said...

I know you had more fun being with your family than sorting clothes, right? Family time is #1 even if you have to suffer through football ( teehee). So worth it to watch everyone enjoy themselves.