We started Friday night with just hanging out at the house. The kids did not have school that day so both Josh and Kylie went to friends’ houses during the day. I got out of work early and picked them up and we just hung out at the house. That evening, we headed over to a friend’s house for a House Church communion service. It was great being around friends from church and reflecting on what an awesome God we have and everything that He has done for us.
Saturday morning I took Kylie and Colton on my bi-weekly trip to Yutzy’s and Dings and Dents. Ryan stayed with my dad, and John and Josh headed off to their first football practice of the season. I ran some more errands, getting all of the Easter lunch stuff and then it was time to color Easter eggs! We never do this…I by the stuff each year, but it just never gets done. But this year, I boiled the eggs the night before, so they were ready to go, and we pulled out all the stuff I had bought over the years, and the kids had a blast coloring eggs! They, especially Kylie, were so creative with them! After they were done, I cleaned everything up and we played and hung out the rest of the afternoon. Dad ran and got us some Doritos tacos from Taco Bell for dinner (John and the kids LOVE those things!) and then we went on a walk because the weather was so gorgeous!
Sunday was Easter! I had been telling John all week that I wanted to get pictures of the kids before we went to church (clean clothes, hair done, not tired, etc.). So I got up extra early and we were able to do a mini photo session before church. Colton was a pain in the butt! He wouldn’t sit still – the minute we would put him down he would be on the move! But I did get some really cute pictures regardless – the one I have on my desktop now I think is one of my all-time favorites of all of them together. And I’m definitely looking forward to next year because I think that will be a good age where they should all sit there without moving (getting them to smile might be a different story).
We went to church and had a wonderful Easter service, and then came home and I got our big Easter lunch started. The kids went around looking for their Easter baskets (Kylie had seen hers before church, so there was no fun searching for her :( ). Josh thought he had found his before church, but it turned out to be Ryan’s, so he spent a while searching the house for his. He finally found it (I swear that kid is HORRIBLE at looking for things!) and the kids ate a piece of candy before our big lunch.
Lunch was wonderful! I was super proud of myself because I made deviled eggs for the first time! Mom always makes those, but I thought I would give them a shot this year. I found a super easy recipe that had some dill in it and we all agreed they were really good! Especially after I added Dad’s onions :) Afterwards, Ryan went down for a nap, and a little later Colton went down again.
Josh’s front two bottom permanent teeth have been all the way in for a while now, but they are much bigger than the space that was left after he lost his first tooth. The other tooth has been wiggly for a while, but Josh wouldn’t let John pull it out. John finally told him that he couldn’t play his iPod until it came out (we were so worried about him not brushing good enough and getting a cavity since his big tooth was practically on top of his baby tooth. Sure enough, after lunch John was able to pull it out! Unfortunately, the space is still not big enough for his teeth to move in, but we’ll deal with that later :)
After Ryan woke up, John and I went outside and hid 63 plastic eggs for the kids to find. We hid eggs for Ryan in my parents’ yard (we made them easier to find) and then the rest in our yard for Ky and Josh. The kids had a blast looking for them! Colton was walking around and then we put him in the swing and he was so happy :) When he wants to swing he says “wing” or “wee.”
After the egg hunt, Dad left for Athens and we went inside and played in the playroom until dinner. We ate a light dinner (lunch was that huge) and the dessert that we hadn’t eaten earlier. Then it was bedtime for the kiddos.
It was such a long and fun weekend. I had been telling everyone that I really don’t like Easter (as a holiday of course – definitely love the meaning behind it!)…I just don’t get into the food and the normal traditions like I do for Christmas (although I really can’t pinpoint why). But this year was really fun! I’m sure it helped that we had sunny, gorgeous weather and the kids are more and more fun each year! Hopefully I’ll like next year’s Easter even more :)
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