Last night we were all outside until about 11:30 hanging out and saying “good-bye.” The kids were all playing having such a great time…it really broke my heart that this wouldn’t happen anymore. And honestly, it really hasn’t sunk in yet that when I get home from work today they won’t be there.
They keep talking about coming back in a year or two…I hope that happens. I’m not holding my breath, but it would be really, really nice if they did. They haven’t sold their house yet…not even any real prospects, so I’m taking that as a good sign :)
I will miss them a lot – more than I think I can even comprehend right now. But I’m trying to take comfort in the fact that there is a reason they’re moving…I don’t know what it is, but everything happens for a reason and according to a master plan. I just hope and pray that we never forget each other and that we make the effort to see each other as much as possible.

How sad! You're right though, everything does happen for a reason.
Oh sorry for the sad day for you. But keep in mind great friends never lose touch. Once a year my girlfriend and I from oh about 36 years ago, write our yearly (book) letter and update the other on our year, family, including pictures etc. We will never lose touch we both know that. She is in Maine and me here in Washington, so far apart yet each Dec we both get excited for our letters to each other. So you will never lose their friendship, but I do know how extremely hard it will be on you, until you get used to the idea they have moved.
Smile and know you have true and valuable friends!!
It is so hard when those we loves move away. My best friend moved away for school three years ago. The plan was always to come back right after she was done, but now they have decided to stay. I am still dealing with that, as I had it set in my mind it was only temporary. At least we live in an age where email and facebook keeps us in contact better, as neither of us have the time to sit on the phone for hours like we used to.
Good luck.
I know it must be sad to lose good friends in this way; but look on the positive side you will have a good reason to take a trip to NY!
I'm sorry :( I remember you talking about them before and I could tell how close you are to them. They may be far away distance wise, but never far from your mind or heart.
My best friend moved away about 6 years ago. She just came to visit on Monday. Our daughters are still best friends and so are we. I hope your friendship stays as solid even though I know you will miss each other like crazy.
How sad that they won't be there to welcome home your newest family member. But, there's always visits and phone calls and you never know...
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