Monday, March 12, 2007

Weekend Recap Part I

Wow, what a fabulous weekend! I just can’t believe how much fun I had and how relaxing it was.

To add to my excitement for the weekend, my boss’s boss told my boss and me that we could have Friday off since we had been working so hard over the past couple of months. I was so excited!!! I had a dilemma though…send the kids with my mom as originally planned and have a nice, relaxing day to myself to get ready for everyone to come over, or keep the kids and have them just go with hubby down to see his parents after work. What can I say? I love my kids and I wanted them to stay with me. I knew that I was going to have an entire weekend without them, so I was looking forward to an entire day with just them. After my moms’ meeting Thursday night, I came home and did everything that needed to be done for the weekend until 2:30 am. I had promised my daughter that I would work really hard so that the next day was just for them…no working! And I kept that promise! I did laundry, made beds, picked up toys, etc. I was tired, but I knew it would all be worth it.

The next morning hubby left and as he was kissing me goodbye he whispered in my ear “the house looks wonderful.” That just made my day…the fact that he noticed how hard I had worked while he and my daughter had blissfully slept in my bed made me feel so appreciated. Anyway, at 8:00 my daughter came in to my room and I had her watch an episode of…whatelse? The Doodlebops, while I got another ½ hour of sleep. When it was over I could hear my son calling for me, so my daughter ran up to talk to him while I brushed my teeth. Both of the kids were in such great moods! We played for a long time upstairs and then I asked them if they wanted to go to the Y, and they both got very excited. So I got them dressed and got everything together and headed out. Let me tell you, after going there I totally want to be a SAHM. All these mommies had their kids in the pool, talking and laughing, and then exercising…I was very jealous! Anyway, it was a very good workout and afterwards I took the kids to a couple of stores to get some last minute items for my weekend. Can I just say, again, that I have the best kids in the world!!! My son really should have gone down for a nap, but being the mother of the year that I am, I kept him up so that I could go to Wally-World for my Ghirardelli chocolate chips for the chocolate fountain, some fruit for the chocolate fountain, and some Smirnoff Twisted Raspberry and Kahlua for mudslides, because come on, a bunch of moms with no kids for the weekend. The kids sat in the cart and played with the kiwis that I got them, and my daughter played with my purse, and my son had a blast playing with the instant coffee jar I had picked up. After this store we ran into Bath and Body Works because I wanted to exchange some stuff. I needed to get some anti-bac hand soap which was just as much as the stuff I was exchanging. Unfortunately, my daughter caught a glimpse of the anti-bac hand gel and wanted it. I could have bought it for her, but I’m really sick of her expecting me to buy her whatever she wants. There happened to be a lady from the corporate office (which is here in Columbus) doing a marketing survey and she came over to ask me a couple of questions. The kids were fantastic and patient while I gave her my answers, and then she proceeded to give me a $5 gift card! So I told my daughter since she had been so good while I was talking, she could pick out her hand gel. Both of them had been so good in that store, especially since they weren't in any type of stroller or anything!

After this we headed home for lunch and naps, and I worked as fast as I could to finish the kitchen floor and other miscellaneous stuff while they were sleeping. Then hubby came home and they all left for the weekend.

Wow, this is a long post, so I think I’m going to finish it up tomorrow…. :) Aaahhh, the suspense! I will tell you that tomorrow’s post will involve wine, Smirnoff, mudslides and staying up until 5:00 in the morning! Oh yeah, and we scrapbooked too!


Amy W said...

Omigod, you stayed up until 5:00am??!! Can't wait to hear the story...

Anonymous said...

WHAT??!! You give all the pre-weekend details and then leave me hanging with a "we stayed up til 5am"??!! :)

Already, sounds like you a great weekend. Go you for staying up til 2:30 to get things done to have the whole day with the kids :)

Julie said...

I haven't stayed up to 5am since, well I'm not sure I can remember!