Thursday, March 01, 2007


OK, I was tagged by a couple of people for this, and because I procrastinate, and because *drama* comes up in my life, I'm just now posting 5 months after everyone else did it. But nonetheless, here it is:

1. Are you parents married or divorced? Married, but I have no idea how…all they do is fight!

2. Are you a vegetarian? Not in a million years. I don’t really like meals that don’t contain some type of meat ;)

3. Do you believe in Heaven? ABSOLUTELY!

4. Have you ever come close to dying? Not that I know of ;)

5. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? None. I can’t stand to have anything on when I sleep. I also usually take my watch and wedding ring off when I cook dinner and it usually doesn’t go back on until the next morning as I’m heading out the door for work.

6. Favorite time of day? Hmmm, definitely NOT mornings :) I would have to say nights. No matter how tired I am during the day, something kicks in at 8:00 and I can easily stay up until midnight.

7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes

8. Do you wear makeup? At all time. I just feel so much better with it on. The last snow day we had I didn’t put any on and I just hated the way my face felt. I also didn’t like the way I looked. Hubby always yells at me and tells me how pretty I am without make-up (come everyone, together now…Awww) but I just can’t not wear it. I’ve already started my daughter on it…she has her own little make-up case with all of my old stuff and she and I will sit in the bathroom in the mornings and play with it all…we have so much fun!

9. Ever have plastic surgery? No.

10. If you did have plastic surgery, what did you have done? I want a boob job when I’m done having kids and feeding them for the first 12 months of their lives. Don’t get me wrong…I am all for nursing, but I hate what it has done to my one-time wonderful boobs. So I’ve warned hubby!

11. What do you wear to bed? PJs. My favorites are a cami with satin pants. Right now (as in when I go to bed tonight) I’m wearing Snow White fleece ones…I got them for Christmas so that I can match my daughter :)

12. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, I went to college :)

13. Can you roll your tongue? Yes

14. Do you tweeze your eyebrows? I get them waxed and then tweeze in between.

15. What kind of sneakers do you wear? New Balance.

16. Do you believe in abortions? Nope. I understand there might be rare cases when the mom’s life is on the line…I don’t know what I would do in those situations, but I believe that every baby is a baby at conception and that they are a gift from God.

17. What is your hair color? Blonde (thanks to my sister-in-law!)

18. Future child's name? I don’t know. For some reason I never think of my kids’ names until late in pregnancy. My daughter’s name was chosen by me in the 8th grade (thankfully hubby loved it :)), but other than that, I always wait until like the 7th or 8th month to decide. And we’ve used up our two favorite names, so now it will get harder. I like the name Cohen Mark for a boy (we’ve named our first two – middle names – after my parents, now it’s time for hubby’s parents, and his dad’s name is Mark. His mom’s name is Joanne…not sure how I feel about this name).

19. Do you snore? Not really.

20. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? I honestly don’t know. We’re not big travelers, so I don’t really have any big dreams of seeing anything. I would love anywhere tropical, and Italy maybe. I would love to go to Aruba. I also would love to go back to the Sandals resort in St. Lucia which is where our honeymoon was.

21. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Does my 3 ½ year-old count?

22. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Buy hubby his dream car, which is this.

23. Gold or silver? I love silver, but my wedding ring is gold, so I usually end up mixing them.

24. Hamburger or hot dog? I like both, but if I had to pick, it would be cheeseburger :)

25. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Not a clue. Probably Dippin’ Dots.

26. City, beach or country? City or beach…I’m not really a country-type of girl.

27. What was the last thing you touched? The mouse

28. Where did you last eat? At my desk, a bowl of oatmeal

29. When's the last time you cried? Hmmm, oh, on Saturday because my husband was acting all weird and really started taking his frustration out on me. Work has been really stressful for him lately and he’s been having a hard time dropping it off at the door on the way in.

30. Do you read blogs? Yes!

31. Would you ever go out dressed as the opposite sex? No

32. Ever been involved with the police? Yes, and we will leave it at that :)

33. What's your favorite shampoo, conditioner and soap? Hmmm, I don’t really have a favorite because I like to use different stuff each day. I have 3 different shampoos and conditioners and about 5 different body soaps in the shower. No one understood why I wanted a bench in my shower, but now when they walk in and see all of my different soaps in there, they get it! I really like the Sunsilk line for anti-flatness.

34. Do you talk in your sleep? Yep, and hubby has too much fun messing with me!

35. Ocean or pool? Definitely swimming pool. I will swim in the ocean, but I hate all of the sand!

36. Sauna or whirlpool? I really don’t like saunas, so definitely whirlpools

37. Starbucks or Krispy Kreme? Krispy Kreme in a heartbeat…or 2 or 3. I don't like coffee.

38. Aisle or window seat? Window seat! I love looking down and seeing everything from way up high.

39. Ever met anyone famous? Not really…I’m not very starstruck, so I’ve never tried to meet anyone famous.

40. Do you feel you've had a truly successful life? I feel it’s successful for being 27. I have a great husband, 2 awesome kids, and great job on a great career path. However, my life is hopefully only 1/3 over, so the definition of “successful” may change.

41. Do you twirl or cut your spaghetti? Both

42. Rikki Lake or Oprah? Oprah…is Rikki Lake even still around?

43. Basketball or Football? Ummm, neither really, but hubby is a great basketball player. Oh wait, and he plays flag football. I guess if I’m being nice, both of them :)

44. How long do your showers last? About 15 minutes…I have to shave my legs every day.

45. Do you drive automatic or stick? Automatic

46. Cake or ice cream? I can’t pick…both!!

47. Are you self-conscious? All.Of.The.Time!

48. Have you ever drank so much you threw up? Oh yes! My first time was on my 21st birthday, and I’m glad I did because I was not hung over the next day.

49. Have you ever given money to a beggar? I don’t think so…I really don’t go downtown too often, so I really don’t see a lot of them.

50. Have you ever been in love? ABSOLUTELY

51. Where do you wish you were? Somewhere very warm, laying in a chair, reading a book and watching my kids play.

52. Are you wearing socks? Yep, black ones under my dress shoes

53. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, and unfortunately it was for my daughter. Thankfully everything turned out to be fine.

54. Can you tango? Umm, no.

55. Last gift you received? My friend bought me lunch yesterday at Chipotle, it was great!

56. Last sport you played? Gymnastics, in high school and college (not competitive in college)

57. Things you spend a lot of money on? Childcare and my mortgage.

58. Where do you live? In a suburb of Columbus, OH

59. Where were you born? Las Vegas, NV – I’m so proud! I knew there was a reason I’m drawn to poker!

60. Last wedding attended? My college roommate's on Saturday.

61. Favorite position? Laying down in bed watching TV :)

62. Most hated food(s)? Fish. I love shellfish, but not regular fish.

63. Most hated soda pop? Dr. Pepper Vanilla

64. Can you sing? Hubby told me I could back in high school…I don’t think anything’s changed.

65. Last person you instant messaged? I don’t IM

66. Last place you went on holiday? Virginia Beach, VA

67. Favorite regular drink? Diet Mountain Dew

68. Favorite alcoholic drink? Kahlua and cream

69. Current favorite song? I don’t really have one right now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know these things are a lot of work, but I love reading them :) Thanks for sharing!!