Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finally, Nice Weather!

The weather has finally decided to get nice here in Ohio (I mean we only had to wait until April 9th, geesh!). It will be short lived this week - we have a cold front coming in and the weekend will be chilly again (go figure). But it was so nice to be outside last night...I definitely saw a glimpse of summer :)

When I got home from work, I got dinner into the oven (cheesy chicken lasagna) and then I told Kylie and Colton that we were headed outside! John had Josh and Ryan at football practice, so it was just the other two kids and I. Kylie jumped on the trampoline (I can't believe how good she's getting - gorgeous back handspring back tucks, front handspring front tucks and beautiful split jumps) and I pushed Colton on the swing. After a while, he wanted to jump with Kylie and it was so funny watching them jump together (or rather, Kylie lay down and Colton jump). After a little bit, dinner was ready, so we went inside, without any protest from Colton (probably because he had been outside with Miss G. a lot earlier and he was beat!). 

We ate dinner (very yummy!) and then Colton asked me to snuggle with him on the couch, so we turned on Bubble Guppies and snuggled together. John and the boys got home pretty late (around 9:00), and just about then I sent Ky up to bed and got Colton into bed. The other boys ate their dinner and then got showers and went to bed. 

It was a wonderful, laid-back night!

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