Friday, August 28, 2009

All Three Playing Together...

Kylie got through her first real rough all day immediately followed by a long gymnastics practice. So after we got home, ate dinner, and got baths, the kids played cars on the kitchen floor. My heart was melting watching all of them play something together*!

Have a great weekend!

Kids Playing Cars #3 from Debbie on Vimeo.

Untitled from Debbie on Vimeo.

*This is how loud our house is all the time...I don't know why they feel the need to talk so loudly...I think it's because they are always trying to talk over each other


Sherry said...

My computer is grrrr, I just can't play your video's for some reason. I don't have problems w/ anyone else's grrrrr!!
Don't you love one "happy" loud house though? And Kylie still going after her long day!! Bet she slept good.

Amy W said...

My house is just as loud, and I have one less kid.